Fuze projects
Bulk sound upload utility
Type: customer-facing
Architecture: command-line utility
Description: Developed a command-line bulk upload tool, used by a large customer to upload call-flow related audio-files on a regular basis.
Technologies: Nodejs, mocha, chai, Typescript, REST
Number Portability
Type: customer&internal facing
Architecture: full-stack
Description: Full-stack developer on an internal project ( front-end and back-end ) that automates number request/number porting from loosing carriers. Front-end is a React web-application integrated on Fuze’s customer provisioning portal. Back-end is a micro-service that acts as an integration hub between Fuze homegrown APIs and 3rd Party Number Carriers. The focus currently is to redesigning the back-end application to increase the code quality through adding unit & integration tests and building new features on top of the existing codebase.
This is a high visibility and complex monolithic application.
Technologies: React, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Typescript, Java 8, Spring, Docker, Junit 4/5, TestNG, Mockito, Postgres, Liquibase, MyBatis
Contact Rosters Hub features
Type: customer&internal facing
Architecture: Front-end
Description: Worked as a front-end developer on a working group initiative to implement from scratch a new back-office feature that alows end-customers to configure groups of contacts, their visibility to other groups and manage associated peers.
Technologies: React, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, REST, Selenium, Mocha
Bulk Provisioning Utility
Type: internal facing
Architecture: Desktop-application
Description: Developed a bulk provisioning application used by internal teams - services & support. This application allows users to upload CSV files (cutsheets) containing user-related meta-data used for provisioning. This is a desktop application that presents a view of existing Fuze information, requested information and lets the user see what will be added, modified or deleted on a customer account. The tool then assembles the provisioning workflow and executes the provisioning routes decreasing the time required to provision from hours to seconds.
Technologies: Vue.js, Vuex, Vuetify, HTML, CSS, Electron, Node.js, CouchDB, REST
Email2Fax service
Type: customer facing
Architecture: Serverless microservice
Description: Developed a small microservice that parsed the content of an email ( subject, body, attachment ) and sent a new FAX using homegrown APIs.
Technologies Node.js, Javascript, AWS Lambda, AWS SNS, AWS S3, REST
Customized C2C Browser plugin
Type: customer&internal facing
Architecture: Full-stack ( browser plugin, web back-office application and microservice )
Description: Customized an existing browser extension to allow placing calls to other peers by masking the calling number, effectively using another number also owned by the customer. To query the masked numbers I’ve developed a microservice to expose the masking calling numbers to other clients ( browser extension ). Masking numbers are inserted through a back-office web-application specifically created for that effect.
Technologies Vue.js, HTML, CSS, REST, AWS S3, Javascript, Bootstrap, AWS Route 53, AWS EC2
SIP Peers Lookup web-application
Type: internal facing
Architecture: Full-stack
Description: Scoped, designed and implemented a web application used to access sensitive data ( SIP Peer data ), by successfully allowing other teams to visualize (filtering, searching and sorting ) sensitive information. This was micro-service driven application that used a web application to enable access to information to end-users and a micro-service to enable queries to the central Peers database ( owned by Engineering ).
Technologies Vue.js, Javascript, HTML, CSS, REST, AWS EC2, Express.js, AWS Route 53
Fuze Connect Provisioning Tool
Type: internal facing
Architecture: Full-stack
Description: Implemented a back-office web application to access configuration information for the Fuze Connect product and enable to provision new users and related information. This tool is currently being used by internal teams. It consists on a web application powered by Vue.js and a microservice developed on Express.js
Technologies Vue.js, Javascript, HTML, CSS, REST, AWS EC2, Express.js, AWS Route 53, MySQL